Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, a Digital Edition

Plates 2.23-2.24: Richmond and Nonsuch Palaces (Original Explanatory Account)


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AN ACCOUNT OF The old Palace of RICHMOND, in Surrey.

THE Palace of Richmond (or West Sheen) was erected by King Henry VIIth, on the Scite of a more antient one, which was accidentally destroyed by Fire on the 21st of December, 1498; the King at that Time residing there.

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one other Room called the Bed-chamber, one other Room called the Withdrawing-chamber; one other Room called the Duke of York’s Bed-chamber; one other Room called the School-chamber; and one other Room called the Room for the Pages of the Bed-chamber; one other Room used for a Passage, being all of them well lighted and seeled, and matted upon the floors, and in themselves very pleasant and useful. perspicuous to the Country round about.

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Side of the Privie Garden, and facing to Richmond Green for all the whole extent thereof, being a Tiled Building well guttered with lead and batteled, and adorned with divers Pinnacles covered with lead. This range of Buildings conteyns divers choice and fayr Rooms both below-stayrs and above, and one Tennis-court.

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called the Red Conduit; and other coming from a Conduit or Spring, near the Alms-houses in Richmond, close upon the River of Thames. The Water coming into these two Cesterns is by several small Branches conveyed into all the principal Rooms of Richmond Court, and is of singular Use thereunto.

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