Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, a Digital Edition

Plate 2.38: Fountain at Rouen, Dedicated to Joan of Arc (Original Explanatory Account)


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ONE of the most extraordinary events in modern history is the re-establishment of the affairs of France, and the recovery of that kingdom from the hands of the English, in the beginning of the 15th century.

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men of the first abilities in the kingdom. The bishop of Tours obviated all difficulties that were raised to her being allowed to conduct the troops. The King’s resolution was confirmed by her discovering to him a prayer which he had secretly offered up for the success of his just claims, and which no one but himself could be privy to.

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party of the enemy, beat off her horse, and surrendered to the bastard of Vendosme. It has been said, she was betrayed by some of the French officers, who were jealous of her success: but her own express declaration contradicts this assertion.

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[scaf-]fold, Dr. Nicholas Midi preached a sermon, and the bishop himself pronounced sentence. She was then delivered over to the secular power, and falling on her knees, asked for a cross. An English spectator made one with two sticks, which she kissed with much devotion, and laid in her bosom.

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[remem-]brance and perpetual memorial of the said Maid, and of all other persons deceased, both in this city of Rouen, and in other places of this realm, where we shall see fit and expedient, in token, memorial, and certification of the execution and intimation of our sentence.” The revision of the proceedings had been referred to two of the most able lawyers of the time, whose reports, in 121 folio pages, are preserved in the libraries of the Cardinals Soubise and Rohan.

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